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To proceed with the registration, please validate your email address by clicking on the button below:

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Alternatively, you may also validate your email address by clicking on the following URL or by copying and pasting it into the address field of your Internet browser:

https://www.tokenbay.net/ pibbleico/emailactivation/ 68747470733a2f2f7777772e746f6b 656e6261792e6e65742f706962626c 6569636f2f757365725f6163746976 6174696f6e2e746f6b3f656d3d7368 30313039343730313630304065746f 6d61746f2e636f6d2676633d5f3535 4e313956353342266375733d504942 424c45

Please note that both the button and the URL can be used only once and are valid for the next 24 hours.

If you require any assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at pibble@tokenbay.net. Our team will be happy to help.

Kind regards,