/*------------------------------------------------------------------ [1. Layouts] */ html { height: 100%; } /* Body Triggers for layout options ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ body { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; background-color: @color-master-lightest; direction: @direction; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; &.fixed-header { .header { position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0; } } &.mobile{ .sidebar-menu { overflow: scroll; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; } .sidebar-menu > ul { height: auto !important; overflow: visible !important; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch !important; } .page-sidebar .sidebar-menu .menu-items { li{ &:hover{ a{ color:@color-menu-light; } .icon-thumbnail{ color:@color-menu-light !important; } } &.active, &.open{ & > a{ color:#fff; } & > .icon-thumbnail{ color:#fff; } } } } .drager{ overflow: auto; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; } } &.sidebar-visible{ .page-sidebar{ .scroll-element{ visibility: visible; } .menu-items { .icon-thumbnail{ .translate3d(-14px,0,0); } } .sidebar-header .sidebar-header-controls{ .translate3d(48px,0,0); } } } &.no-header{ .page-container .page-content-wrapper .content{ padding-top: 0px; } .header{ border-bottom-color: transparent; } } &.dashboard{ background: @dashboard-background; .page-container{ background: @dashboard-background; } } &.rtl{ [class^="col-"], [class*="col-"] { .float(left); } } &.menu-pin{ .overlay{ padding-left:0; .overlay-brand{ margin-left: 0; } } } } /* Page Loader ------------------------------------ */ .pace{ .pace-progress{ background: @color-success; height: 3px; } .pace-progress-inner{ box-shadow: none; } .pace-activity{ -webkit-animation: none; animation: none; top: 73px; background: url('@{base-img-url}/progress/progress-circle-success.svg') no-repeat top left; background-size: 100% auto; margin: 0 auto; border-width: 0; border-radius: 0; width: 28px; height: 40px; .right(19px); .left(auto); } } /* Header ------------------------------------ */ .header{ position: relative; display: -webkit-box; display: -webkit-flex; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; height: @layout-header-height; width: 100%; .padding(0, 20px, 0, 0); z-index: @zIndex-navbar; background-color: #fff; border-bottom: 1px solid fade(@color-master-light, 70%); -webkit-box-align: center; -webkit-align-items: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; -webkit-box-pack: justify; -webkit-justify-content: space-between; -ms-flex-pack: justify; justify-content: space-between; a{ color: @color-master; &:hover,&:active,&:focus{ color: @color-master; } } //Used only in Boxed layout .header-inner{ height: inherit; display: -webkit-box; display: -webkit-flex; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -webkit-align-items: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; -webkit-box-pack: justify; -webkit-justify-content: space-between; -ms-flex-pack: justify; justify-content: space-between; } &.transparent { background-color: transparent !important; } .brand { vertical-align: middle; width: @layout-sidepanel-width; text-align: center; } .bubble{ border-radius:100%; height:12px; width:12px; background-color:@color-danger; color:@color-white; position:absolute; top:-6px; .float(right); .right(-5px); } .notification-list{ display:inline-block; line-height: 23px; } .search-link{ display:inline-block; .margin-left(15px); color : @color-master; opacity: .7; font-size:14px; vertical-align: middle; line-height: 12px; font-family:@base-font-family; i{ .margin-right(15px); font-size:16px; vertical-align: middle; } &:hover{ opacity: 1; } } .pg{ font-size: 16px; } ul{ li{ line-height: 12px; vertical-align: middle; } } .dropdown{ line-height: 12px; } } /* Bootstrap navbar ------------------------------------ */ .navbar{ min-height: 50px; position: relative; margin-bottom: 20px; border: 1px solid transparent; top: -1px; } .navbar-nav > li { & > a{ position: relative; display: block; padding: 10px 15px; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; } } .nav > li> a { padding: 10px 15px; } .navbar-default{ background-color: @color-white; .navbar-nav>.active>a, .navbar-default .navbar-nav>.active>a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav>.active>a:focus{ background-color:transparent; } .navbar-nav>.active>a, .navbar-default .navbar-nav>.active>a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav>.active>a:focus{ background-color:transparent; } } .navbar-toggle{ border-radius: 0; background-color: transparent !important; } .navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a { color: @color-master; } /* Main Menu Sidebar ------------------------------------ */ .page-sidebar{ width: @layout-sidepanel-width; background-color:@color-menu; z-index: @zIndex-sidebar; .left(@layout-sidepanel-width-collapsed - @layout-sidepanel-width); position: fixed; bottom: 0; top: 0; .right(auto); overflow: hidden; -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 400ms cubic-bezier(@menu-bezier); -moz-transition: -moz-transform 400ms cubic-bezier(@menu-bezier); -o-transition: -o-transform 400ms cubic-bezier(@menu-bezier); transition: transform 400ms cubic-bezier(@menu-bezier); -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; -webkit-perspective: 1000; a,button { color:@color-menu-light; &:hover,&:active{ color:@color-menu-link-hover; } &:visited,&:focus{ color:@color-menu-light; } } .scroll-element{ visibility: hidden; } .sidebar-header{ /* Side-bar header */ display: block; height: @layout-header-height; line-height:@layout-header-height; background-color:@color-menu-darker; border-bottom: 1px solid mix(@color-menu-darker, #000, 90%); color: @color-white; width: 100%; padding: 0 20px; .padding-left(30px); clear: both; z-index: 10; position: relative; .sidebar-header-controls{ display: inline-block; -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.4s cubic-bezier(@menu-bezier); transition: transform 0.4s cubic-bezier(@menu-bezier); -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; } .sidebar-slide-toggle i{ .transition(all 0.12s ease); } .sidebar-slide-toggle.active i{ .rotate(-180deg); } } .close-sidebar{ position: absolute; .right(19px); top: 14px; padding: 9px; z-index: 1; & > i{ color: rgba(255,255,255,0.57); } } .sidebar-overlay-slide{ /* Side-bar Top Slider */ width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color:@color-menu-darker; display:block; z-index: 9; padding: @layout-header-height+20 20px 20px 20px; &.from-top{ top:-100%; position: absolute; .transition(all .2s ease); &.show{ .translate(0,100%); } } } .sidebar-menu{ /* Side-bar Menu */ height: calc(~'100% - 50px'); position: relative; width: 100%; .outer-tab-nav-section { display: inline-block; width: 45px; position: absolute; height: 100%; background-color: #0aa699 !important; } .menu-items { /* Side-bar Menut Items */ list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; position: relative; overflow: auto; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; height: calc(~'100% - 10px'); width: 100%; li{ &:hover, &.open, &.active{ & > .icon-thumbnail{ color: @color-menu-link-hover; } & > a{ color: @color-menu-link-hover; } } & > a{ white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; width: 65%; } } & > li { display: block; padding:0; clear: right; &:after, &:before{ display: table; content: " "; clear: both; } & > a { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; display: inline-block; .padding-left(32px); min-height: @menu-icon-size; line-height: @menu-icon-size; font-size: 14px; clear: both; &.open { background: #313131; } & > .arrow { .float(right); padding-right: 30px; &:before { .float(right); display: inline; font-size: 16px; font-family: FontAwesome; height: auto; content: "\f104"; font-weight: 300; text-shadow: none; .transition(all 0.12s ease); } &.open { &:before { .rotate(-90deg); } } } & > .badge { margin-top: 12px; } & > .title{ .float(left); white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; width: 65%; } & > .details{ font-size: 12px; opacity: 0.4; display: block; clear: both; } &.detailed{ & > .title{ line-height: 28px; } & > .details{ line-height: 16px; } } } &.active { & > ul { &.sub-menu { display: block; } } } & > .icon-thumbnail{ &:first-letter { text-transform: uppercase; } } & > ul { &.sub-menu { & > li { ul { &.sub-menu { li { .padding-left(10px); .padding-right(3px) } .icon-thumbnail { width: 25px; height: 25px; line-height: 25px; font-size: 10px; } } } } li { & > a { & > .arrow { &:before { .float(right); margin-top: 1px; margin-right: 20px; display: inline; font-size: 16px; font-family: FontAwesome; height: auto; content: "\f104"; font-weight: 300; text-shadow: none; .transition(all 0.12s ease); } &.open { &:before { .float(right); margin-top: 1px; margin-right: 18px; display: inline; font-family: FontAwesome; height: auto; font-size: 16px; .rotate(-90deg); font-weight: 300; text-shadow: none; } } } } } } } ul { &.sub-menu { display: none; list-style: none; clear: both; .margin(0, 0, 10px, 0); background-color: @color-menu-dark; padding: 18px 0 10px 0; & > li { background: none; .padding(0px, 20px, 0, 40px); margin-top: 1px; &:hover{ & > .icon-thumbnail{ color: @color-menu-link-hover; } } & > a { display: inline-block; padding: 5px 0px; font-size: 13px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; white-space: normal; } .icon-thumbnail { width: 30px; height: 30px; line-height: 30px; margin: 0; background-color: @color-menu; font-size: 14px; } } } } } } .muted { color: #576775; opacity: .45; } } .icon-thumbnail [class^="bg-"], [class*="bg-"]{ color: #fff; } } [data-toggle-pin="sidebar"]{ & > i:before{ content: "\f10c"; } } /* Sidebar icon holder ------------------------------------ */ .icon-thumbnail { display: inline-block; background: @color-menu-dark; height: @menu-icon-size; width: @menu-icon-size; line-height: @menu-icon-size; text-align:center; vertical-align: middle; position: relative; left: 0; .float(right); .margin-right(14px); color:@color-menu-light; font-size: 16px; -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.4s cubic-bezier(@menu-bezier); transition: transform 0.4s cubic-bezier(@menu-bezier); -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; -webkit-perspective: 1000; font-family: "Segoe UI","Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; -webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; font-weight: bold; & > i{ font-size: 14px; } & > svg{ width: auto; height: auto; display: inline; } } .nav-collapse { &.collapse { height: 100% !important; } } /* Secondary App Menu */ //TODO : add this to theme var @secondary-sidebar-width : 250px; @_sidebar-background-color : multiply(@color-menu-light, @color-menu-light); @sidebar-background-color : mix(@_sidebar-background-color , #000, 80%); .toggle-secondary-sidebar{ display: none; } .secondary-sidebar { background: @sidebar-background-color; width: @secondary-sidebar-width; .float(left); .padding-left(47px); height: 100%; position: fixed; &.not-fixed{ position: inherit; } &.open{ position: fixed; visibility: hidden; display: block; } .btn-compose { font-family: 'Montserrat'; font-size: 13px; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: 0.02em; text-transform: uppercase; } .menu-title { color: fade(@color-menu-light, 70%); font-size: 10.8px; font-family: 'Montserrat'; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: 0.03em; } //Offset by 25px; padding: 20px 0; .menu-title{ .padding-left(30px); } //With Multiple LEVELS & > ul > li{ .padding-left(0); } ul{ li{ a{ .flex(); padding-left: 30px; padding-right: 30px; & > .icon-thumbnail{ .flex(); height: auto; width: auto; line-height: auto; & > svg{ -webkit-align-self: center; -ms-flex-item-align: center; -ms-grid-row-align: center; align-self: center; } } &.active{ color: @color-master-dark; } & > .title{ width: 100%; -webkit-align-self: center; -ms-flex-item-align: center; -ms-grid-row-align: center; align-self: center; &:after{ display: none; } } & > .badge{ -webkit-align-self: center; -ms-flex-item-align: center; -ms-grid-row-align: center; align-self: center; } & > .arrow { &:before { float: right; display: inline; font-size: 16px; font-family: FontAwesome; height: auto; content: "\f104"; font-weight: 300; text-shadow: none; .transition(all 0.12s ease); } } } ul { margin: 0; padding-top: 7px; padding-bottom: 5px; .padding-left(7px); li{ padding: 0; margin-bottom: 9px; margin-top: 5px; } } &.open{ & > a{ color: @color-master-dark; .arrow:before { .rotate(-90deg); } } & > ul{ display: block; } } & > ul{ display: none; } } } .main-menu { .padding-left(0); & > li{ list-style: none; &.active{ & > a{ color: @color-complete; &:hover{ color: @color-complete; } & > .title{ position: relative; &:after{ background: @color-complete; border-radius: 50%; content: ""; height: 7px; position: absolute; .right(-14px); top: 6.5px; width: 7px; } } } } a{ font-size: 14px; color: @color-menu-light; line-height: 37px; &:hover{ color: #fff; } & > .title{ i{ .margin-right(6px); opacity: .9; } } } } } .sub-menu{ .margin-left(23px); li{ list-style: none; padding: 0; &.active{ a{ color: #fff !important; } } a{ color: fade(@color-menu-light,89%); line-height: 25px; &:hover{ color: #fff; } } } } .sub-menu li a, .main-menu li a { .badge { background: transparent; font-size: 13px; color: @color-menu-light; line-height: 25px; } } &.light{ background-color: #fff; .border-right(1px solid @form-control-border-color); .menu-title { color: fade(@color-menu-light, 60%); opacity: 1; } .icon-thumbnail{ background-color: transparent; } .main-menu { li{ a{ &:hover{ color: @color-master-dark; } } &.active{ & > a{ color: @color-master-dark; } } } } .sub-menu{ margin-top: 5px; li{ &.active{ a{ color: @color-master-dark !important; } } a{ color: fade(@color-menu-light,60%); &:hover{ color: @color-master-dark; } } } } } } /* Horizontal Menu ------------------------------------ */ .horizontal-app-menu { .flex(); .flex-column(); &.fixed-header{ overflow: hidden; .header { position: relative; } .page-container{ overflow: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; } } //Header .header { display: block; height: auto; border-bottom: none; background-color:@color-menu; color: @color-menu-light; -webkit-flex-shrink: 0; -ms-flex-negative: 0; flex-shrink: 0; .header-inner{ height: 60px; background-color:transparent; position: relative; color: @color-menu-light; } .header-lg-height{ height: @header-lg-height; } .header-md-height{ height: @header-md-height; } .header-sm-height{ height: @header-sm-height; } .search-link { color: @color-menu-light; } .header-inner { .brand.inline { position: relative; .border-right(1px solid #40444d); .padding-right(15px); .margin-right(0px); width: auto; & > img { width: auto; } } } .notification-list { border: none; } .title-bar{ padding-bottom: 18px; } .page-title{ color: @color-menu-light; font-size: 21px; line-height: 21px; font-weight: normal; margin-bottom: 0; .margin-left(15px); } .pg{ color: @color-menu-light; display: block; } } //Main Menu Bar .menu-bar{ .flex(); .flex-row(); position: relative; color: @color-menu-light; //Globals Nav Items ul{ margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; .border-radius(3px); li a { .arrow{ position: relative; .flex-inline(); .align-items(center); .padding-left(15px); width: 23px; &:before{ font-size: 16px; font-family: FontAwesome; height: auto; content: "\f104"; font-weight: 300; text-shadow: none; position: relative; top: 2px; .rotate(-90deg); .transition(all 0.12s ease); } } } li{ line-height: 24px; .sub-menu{ padding: 0; .left(50%); top: 0; position: absolute; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; min-width: calc(~'100% + 4px'); padding: 18px @menu-padding; background: #fff; z-index: 1; position: absolute; .box-shadow(0px 0px 16px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)); .translate3d(15px, 0, 0); .transition(all 0.15s ease-in); li a{ min-width: 50px; width: 100%; padding: 4px 0; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; display: block; } } &:hover{ & > .sub-menu{ visibility: visible; opacity: 1; .translate3d(34%, 0, 0); } } } } //Level One & > ul { .flex(); -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; -webkit-box-direction: normal; -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap; flex-flow: row nowrap; & > li { -webkit-box-flex: 1; -ms-flex: 1 0 auto; flex: 1 0 auto; .flex-inline(); .align-items(center); padding: 0; position: relative; &:hover:not(".open"){ & > a{ color: @color-menu-link-hover; } } &:first-child{ & > a{ .padding-left(0); } } &:last-child{ & > a { .padding-right(0); } } & > a{ padding: 0 20px; } & > ul{ display: none; opacity: 0; list-style: none; border: 0; top: -7px; .left(-4px); min-width: calc(~'100% + 4px'); padding: 0 @menu-padding; padding-top: 60px; padding-bottom: 18px; background: #fff; z-index: 1; position: absolute; .box-shadow(0px 0px 16px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)); } &.open{ //Level two and below & > ul{ display: block; &:before{ content: ''; position: absolute; height: 1px; top: @navbar-width + 7px; width: calc(~'100% - '@menu-padding * 2); background-color: @form-control-border-color; } & > li{ padding-left: 0; .translate3d(0, -10px, 0); opacity: 0; transition: all 0.18s ease; border-bottom: none; & > a{ min-width: 50px; width: 100%; padding: 4px 0; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; .flex(); -webkit-box-pack: justify; -webkit-justify-content: space-between; -ms-flex-pack: justify; justify-content: space-between; & > .arrow:before{ .rotate(180deg); } } &:last-child{ & > a{ padding-bottom: 0; } } } } & > a{ .translate3d(0, -10px, 0); opacity: 0; transition: all 0.18s ease !important; } } &.opening{ & > ul{ opacity: 1; & > li { .translate3d(0, 0, 0); opacity: 1; } } & > a{ position: relative; z-index: 10; .translate3d(0, 0, 0); opacity: 1; } } &.closing{ & > ul{ opacity: 0; & > li { .translate3d(0, -10px, 0); opacity: 0; } } & > a{ .translate3d(0, -10px, 0); opacity: 0; } } } li > a{ color: @color-menu-light; } } } .secondary-sidebar{ .margin-left(-25px); border: 1px solid @form-control-border-color; } //Add 30px offset .inner-content{ .margin-left(225px); } .content{ -ms-flex: 1; -webkit-box-flex: 1; -moz-box-flex: 1; -ms-box-flex: 1; box-flex: 1; } .page-container{ .padding-left(0); .page-content-wrapper .content{ padding-top: 0; } } .ghost-nav-dropdown{ top: -7px; .left(-4px); background: #fff; z-index: 1000; position: absolute; .box-shadow(0px 0px 16px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)); .border-radius(3px); transition: all 0.18s ease-in; } //calendar overwrites .calendar { .calendar-header{ background-color: transparent; .padding-left(0); position: relative; .left(-20px); } .months .month:first-child{ .padding-left(0); } .weeks-wrapper{ .margin-left(0); .padding-left(0); } .week-dragger{ .margin-left(0); } .calendar-container .grid{ overflow: hidden; } } } /* SPLIT VIEW FOR EMAIL and APPS ------------------------------------ */ .split-view{ position: relative; height: 100%; .split-list { .float(left); width: 360px; background: #fff; height: 100%; overflow-y: auto; position: relative; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; border-right: 1px solid @color-master-light; .transition(all .5s ease); .list-view-fake-header{ font-size: 10.8px !important; line-height:normal !important; } &.slideLeft{ .translate(-100%, 0); } .list-refresh{ position: absolute; .right(18px); top: 4px; color: @color-master; opacity: .34; z-index: 101; i{ font-size: 11px; } } .list-view-fake-header, .list-view-group-header{ background: @color-master-lighter; height: 28px; color: fade(@color-master, 70%); font-family: 'Montserrat'; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 10.8px; .padding-left(12px); padding-top: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.07em; width: 100%; } .item { height: 111px; list-style: none; position: relative; border-bottom: 1px solid fade(@color-master-light, 70%); cursor: pointer; .inline { width: 230px; & > * { white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; font-family: arial; } } .recipients { letter-spacing: 0.01em; padding-bottom: 2px; } .checkbox{ .float(left); clear: left; display: none; max-width: 32px; } .subject { font-family: 'Helvetica'; font-size: 14.33px; color: @color-info; -webkit-line-clamp: 2; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; height: 38px; display: -webkit-box; white-space: normal; line-height: 18px; } .body { // color: #75828e; font-size: 12.6px; opacity: .52; height: 22px; } .datetime { color: @color-master-darkest; font-family: arial; font-size: 11.1px; position: absolute; .right(20px); top: 15px; opacity: 0.46; } } } .split-details { position: relative; overflow: auto; height: 100%; .no-result{ bottom: 0; left: 0; margin-top: -34px; opacity: 0.5; position: absolute; right: 0; text-align:center; top: 50%; } .actions{ height: 50px; .float(left); li{ list-style: none; position: relative; &:last-child:after{ display: none; } &:after{ content: ""; height: 14px; position: absolute; .right(-4px); top: 18px; width: 1px; background: rgba(0,0,0,.07); } a{ font-size: 13.1px; color: @color-master; font-weight: 600; padding: 0 13px; line-height: 50px; white-space: nowrap; } } } } } .inner-content{ margin-top: 0px; padding: 0px; overflow: auto; min-height: 100%; .margin-left(@secondary-sidebar-width); } /* Quick View ------------------------------------ */ .quickview-wrapper{ position:fixed; .right(-@layout-right-quickview-width); top:0; width:@layout-right-quickview-width; background:#fff; bottom:0; z-index:@zIndex-quickview; box-shadow:0 0 9px rgba(191,191,191,.36); border-left: 1px solid rgba(222,227,231,.56); -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 400ms cubic-bezier(@menu-bezier); transition: transform 400ms cubic-bezier(@menu-bezier); -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; -ms-backface-visibility:hidden; -webkit-perspective: 1000; &.open{ .translate3d(-100%,0,0); } .quickview-toggle{ position: absolute; .right(12px); top: 2px; color: @color-menu-light; padding: 6px; opacity: 0.4; &:hover{ opacity: 1; } } .nav-tabs{ /* Quickview Tabs */ background-color: @color-menu; position: relative; padding: 0 43px; & > li{ & > a{ padding:11px; color: @color-menu-light; border: 0; text-align: center; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; min-width: 62px; line-height: 1.4; & > span{ opacity: 0.6; } &:hover{ & > span{ color: @color-menu-light; opacity: 1; } } } &.active{ & > a, & > a:hover, & > a:focus{ background-color: transparent; border: 0; color: mix(@color-menu-light, #fff, 37%); opacity: 1; } } } ~ .tab-content{ position:absolute; padding: 0; left: 0; right: 0; top: 38px; bottom: 0; height: auto; & > div{ height:100%; } ul{ margin:0; padding:0; li{ list-style:none; } } .quickview-notes{ /* Quickview Notes */ background:#fbf9e3; a, button{ color:#968974; } .list{ position:relative; .toolbar{ height:50px; padding:0 25px; ul { margin-top:10px; & > li{ display:inline-block; height:auto; a{ height:22px; line-height:22px; display:block; padding:0 5px; font-size: 14px; &:hover, &.selected{ background:#968974; color:#FBF9E3; } } } } .btn-remove-notes{ background:transparent; bottom: 8px; display: block; .left(50%); .margin-left(-40%); position: absolute; width: 83%; border:1px solid #968974; } } & > ul { padding:0; li{ cursor:pointer; height:42px; padding:0 25px; display:block; clear:both; .left{ .float(left); width:65%; height:100%; padding-top:9px; .checkbox{ display:none; .float(left); label{ .margin-right(0); vertical-align:text-top; } } p{ margin:0; font-size:13px; font-weight:bold; width: 100px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; vertical-align:middle; display:inline-block; } } .right{ font-size:10.5px; .text-align(right); width:35%; line-height: 41px; .date{ .margin-right(10px); } } &:hover{ background:#f4ecd1; } } } } .note{ /* Quickview Note */ background-image:url('@{base-img-url}/notes_lines.png'); background-repeat:repeat-y; background-position:27px top; & > div{ display:table; height:100%; width:100%; } .toolbar { background:#fcfcfa; height:35px; width:100%; display:table-row; box-shadow: 0 1px 1px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.33); 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